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Travel, Wine and Stories - all in good style

Maybe I should not state my high school readings of own short stories I wrote already at that time and which I was encouraged to present to the class audience, as a first step to writing ? Or maybe my editor position at the local scout club newspaper as a young adult?

Well, while these were just first steps, I guess I had a way with words at an early age, and finally I am coming back to making use of these natural skills.

Connected to my business as wine travel expert (VinTour) and wine trade promoter (VinTrade),
I have already written and contributed to some external articles and publications. So now it's time to make it a label!

Admittedly, I had some trouble to decide on which "Vin-T" to add on to my brands. Both VinTalk and VinText come natural. While the first represents the written word, the latter sounds more modern and reflects the intention of my articles, posts and stories to invite to an exchange of thoughts about wine and widening the horizon, by traveling, even virtually, the wonderful world of wines with diversity in abundance, So my services will start off with the label of "VinTalk".

Now, whether the written stories, social media posts, videos or real-life presentations will be the major formats of my future activities, will also depend on you - as editors, vine producers, appellation or regional tourism managers or colleagues in the trades.

I am very curious about where the journey will take us in our joint effort - in any case, I look forward to many informative, entertaining and focused reports, news and stories!

Member of

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SKÅL International - The global Network for the Travel Trade

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Institute of Brewing and Distilling, London

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© 2023 VinTalk